Thursday, August 26, 2010


Fear not follower, I have returned!
My trip to the large apple was the shizznit but I have now slumped into somewhat of a post-trip funk.
And not as in Funk(y Town because it is not a place I want you to take me to) but the kind that looks like this:

Here are some American observation I made whilst away.
Like fashion and Broadway, Gay-ness is important.
All I wanted was a salad sandwich, which I guess is a keyword for 'explosion of fries all over my food'.
I has a slight M&Mgasm. Mmmmm, this one tastes like pastel shell.
A free seat is a free seat. Meanwhile I was totes stealth in getting this pic.
They have flags EVERYWHERE! Just in case you ever forget you're in America.
I had minor strokes from being overstimulated whilst shopping.

1 comment:

  1. That's a salad sandwich?
    I hate to say it, but I'm moving to the US!
